你有没有苦恼过,为何作文练了几十篇,写作还是卡在 22 分?
假如读 30 分的文章是在高速上疾驰,那样读 22 分左右的文章就像在年久失修的乡间小路颠簸。
那样,导致颠簸的内容都有哪些呢?我们从学生的作业中摘出了 一部分非常典型的例子:
修改前:Students are easier to find jobs.
修改后:Students can find jobs more easily.
修改前:There are people can answer this question.
修改后:There are people who can answer this question.
OR Someone can answer this question.
修改前:I think I should not put all the published work on myself.
修改后:I think I should undertake all the publishing activities.
修改前:These message which I get from watching I can quickly remembered.
修改后:I can quickly memorize the information through watching documentaries.
我们都知道,语言学习中,输入是输出的上限。没有足够的积累就去输出,再好的想法也不能传递到读者那里。更何况考试仅有短短三十分钟,考虑到考场上各种不确定因素的影响,我们更须要厚积薄发。否则,当我们以为自己写了一篇绝世好文的时候,考官 will be like:
1. 常见的托福独立题目类别
我们知道托福独立写作的题目五花八门,可是有 一部分概念是反复使用的。比如我们材料中收集的这一道关于 " 大学 & 就业 " 关系的题目:
Colleges and universities must do a good job of preparing students for their future career.
People have a lot of opinions about the value of advanced education. Which do you think is the most important reason to attend college or university?
new experiences
career preparation
increased knowledge
Is university education the most important factor in a person ’ s success?
As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:
Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science. )
Students must volunteer to work in the university ’ s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town. ( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework. )
2. 针对以上题目筛选出的通用句子及翻译
与大段的范文不同,这份材料中的语料 " 含金量 " 很高,适用范围广,背诵以后稍加变化便能够用到类似文章中。比如材料中这一句:
Talking with their peers teaches students how to communicate effectively, and they can use this skill to excel in their future careers.
任何牵涉到 " 学生关系 "," 课堂讨论 "," 小组作业 " 的题目都能够使用这个句子。比如
3. 句子中文翻译,供各位回忆句子使用